ION* Gut + Microbiome

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All natural and soil derived, ION* Gut + Microbiome goes beyond probiotics to defend you from environmental toxins and diversify your gut microbiome naturally. ION* bottles have a convenient flip-top with drop dispenser.

  • Ingredients
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ION* Gut + Microbiome is an all-natural, mineral supplement derived from 60-million-year-old that goes beyond the scope of probiotics to support gut strength, mental clarity and immune function.


Terrahydrite™ [Aqueous Humic Substances] by volume 4% fulvic with equivalent conjugated humates and 35mcg silica.

- Humic extract (from Ancient Soil)

- Purified water

*microbiome friendly

Usage Instructions

Adults and Children 3 and Over:

For general gut-brain health, we recommend 1 teaspoon of ION* Gut Support 3x/day. Optimal gut support is achieved when taken 30 minutes prior to meals because of ION* Gut + Microbiome's protective effects against gluten and glyphosate, but you can take it immediately before, with, or after a meal, (or on an empty stomach) and still receive benefit.

Children under three:

We recommend ¼ teaspoon, 3x/day for children under 3 years of age. If you would like to introduce your little ones more slowly, we recommend 1/8 teaspoon a day, slowly building to standard usage.

Sensitive Adult Usage: 

Results can vary with initial ION* Gut + Microbiome usage, with many customers reporting rapid and profound early results. These results are not the direct effects of the supplement itself, but instead reflect the innate healing process that occurs in a body as the firewall system is optimally up and running. There is a subset of individuals, however, that can experience symptoms of tiredness, headache, bloating/increased gas, or bowel changes. If you feel you may be sensitive to the changes that can occur as your innate defenses and capacity for water/nutrient absorption are restored, we suggest a slower approach. Start with 1/8 teaspoon of ION* Gut + Microbiome daily, increasing usage slowly, as tolerated, to get to recommended label usage.

Do any of the ION* products need to be refrigerated?

No, all of the products in the ION* suite are shelf stable and do not require refrigeration.

Is sediment and variation in colour normal?

Yes, every product in the ION* suite is all natural and soil derived; the colour, taste, and amount of sediment in each bottle can vary. It is neither abnormal nor harmful.

Is ION* Gut + Microbiome similar to probiotics or enzymes?

ION* Gut + Microbiome is not a prebiotic, a probiotic, or a direct source of enzymes. It contains zero bacteria. We need a much more diverse microbiome than one can achieve by replicating the same strands of bacteria over and over (this monoculture can happen when we take probiotics).

ION* Gut + Microbiome is unique in that it naturally enhances the diversity of your individual microbiome. It works as a communication network that gives our bodies the tools to create their own bacterial ecosystem again - that ecosystem that has been wiped out by environmental toxins such as antibiotics and pesticides. Without the communication network, there will always be overgrowth of certain species and underrepresentation of others.

Note: Please consult your healthcare provider concerning the addition or removal of probiotics and digestive enzymes in your personal regimen; as each person is unique, we cannot make individual recommendations.

Are there any contraindications with ION* Gut + Microbiome?

There are no known contraindications with ION* Gut + Microbiome. However, for maximum efficacy of all products, we do suggest separating by 30 minutes if you are taking ASEA, a thyroid medication, iodine, or a binder supplement.

Iodine is a highly-charged element that can bind to negatively-charged elements in ION* Gut + Microbiome. Also, certain "binder" supplements (clay, charcoal, and zeolites) recommend taking separately from any nutrition, food, or supplements.

ION* Gut + Microbiome supports healthy gut membranes. This support can return expected drug absorption to normal levels and may improve bioavailability of your supplements and food nutrients. If you are on a medication that requires blood level testing to adjust the dose (such as blood thinners or seizure medications) you should discuss ION* Gut + Microbiome with your doctor, who may want to get testing done within a week of starting ION* Gut + Microbiome, as you would do with a diet change or adding other mineral supplements.

None of the minerals or amino acids in ION* Gut + Microbiome are present in levels that would be considered adequate to allow ION* Gut + Microbiome to replace other standard mineral therapies, such as Lithium orotate or your regular multi-mineral supplement, in your health management.

What are tight junctions?

Tight junctions are the seals between cells which help to create a defensive barrier in the epithelial layer of your gut lining. They function to keep toxins and foreign particles out of the bloodstream while also allowing nutrients to enter. Tight junction integrity is at the foundation of health.

Tight junctions are protected by the carbon and mineral metabolites of bacterial digestion. When the intestinal bacteria are balanced and thriving, this matrix of metabolites produces a strong enzyme defense system that protects the tight junctions from the toxin zonulin.

Over the last sixty years, there has been a steady loss of biodiversity in our bowel bacterial ecosystem. Factory farming, processed foods, and widespread antibiotic use have all played major roles in this decline. However, the most potent of triggers for zonulin impact at the gut barrier is glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide. Gluten is the most potent of naturally occurring triggers for zonulin production in our modern diet.

ION* Gut + Microbiome functions as the answer to glyphosate and gluten impact at the gut lining by promoting increases in production of the enzymes that break down zonulin and thereby strengthen tight junctions.

What is the gut-brain connection?

Recent science has called the gut our "second brain," or "Enteric Nervous System" (ENS). It consists of two thin layers of more than 100 million nerve cells that line our gastrointestinal tract, from our sinuses all the way to our rectum, and serves as a vast communication network. We now know that the majority of neurotransmitters, or "chemical messengers," such as serotonin and dopamine, are made in our gut lining, with very little being made in the brain comparatively. However, the production of these chemical messengers is dependent on the right bacteria, fungi, and even parasites and viruses (collectively known as the microbiome), being present in our gut.

Is ION* vegan?

Yes! All products in the ION* suite are vegan, naturally gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, latex-free, sulfite-free, preservative-free, non-GMO, and certified glyphosate residue free. They are all produced in a facility free of allergens, including peanuts and tree nuts.

What is ION* Gut + Microbiome?

ION* Gut + Microbiome is a liquid, gut-brain health supplement that goes beyond probiotics, helping to support tight junction integrity and diversify your microbiome the natural way. It is soil derived and U.S. sourced. Its active ingredient, humic extract (from ancient soil), is naturally rich in a variety of trace minerals and amino acids. ION* Gut + Microbiome isn't bacteria; it's a family of molecules made by bacteria.

What does ION* Gut + Microbiome do?

ION* Gut + Microbiome strengthens tight junction integrity at the gut lining, which protects the immune and neurologic systems and regulates the delivery of water and nutrients to the body.

As demonstrated in our peer reviewed articles, toxins like glyphosate and gluten can degrade tight junctions in the epithelial layer of the gut lining. ION* Gut + Microbiome has been shown to promote the strengthening of this gut barrier, which supplies the first line of defense against everyday exposures to environmental and foodborne toxins. This in turn helps with inflammatory response, enhancing mental clarity, promoting immune function, supporting digestion, and alleviating gluten sensitivity.

How does ION* Gut + Microbiome work?