Rowland Earthing Sheet


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Why Sleep Grounded?

Earthing during sleep provides the body with multiple hours of uninterrupted Earthing, at a time where we naturally undergo the most healing and regeneration. Using Innovative Earthing technology, the Rowland Earthing sheet transfers free electrons straight from the Earth to you, allowing you to stay grounded while you sleep.

Size & Specs


Product Details: 

1 x  Rowland Earthing Sheet 35" x 110" (90cm x 2.7m)

       (10% Pure Silver)  
1 x  Copper Earthing Connection Cord 16 ft (5m) 

1 x  UK Earth plug


The Organic Earthing Sheet is 90cm x 2.7m and is suitable for single, double, king and super king size beds.

We generally recommend fitting the sheet length-ways and having one sheet per person for maximum comfort and increased grounding exposure. However, for double and king beds, another option is to fit the sheet width-ways on the bed, allowing two people to make contact with the sheet.

Product Details: 

1 x Rowland Earthing Sheet (90 x 270cm)

      (10% Pure Silver)  
1 x Copper Earth Cord (5m) 

1 x UK Earth plug


The Organic Earthing Sheet is 90cm x 2.7m and is suitable for single, double, king and super king size beds.

We generally recommend fitting the sheet length-ways and having one sheet per person for maximum comfort and increased grounding exposure. However, for double and king beds, another option is to fit the sheet width-ways on the bed, allowing two people to make contact with the sheet.

Is It Safe?

Is It Safe?

Yes, it is important to clarify that the Earthing sheet does not run on electricity, nor does it even come into contact with electricity. The plug is designed only to connect to the earth point of the socket and is not connected to the live electrical ports. It simply acts as an extension cord, bringing the Earth's energy inside and allowing you to stay grounded while you sleep.

How To Measure The Benefits

How To Measure The Benefits

The grounding effect can be measured with a multimeter device, which allows one to measure voltage in the body before and after grounding. 

The video below shows how touching the Earthing sheet causes a significant drop in body voltage. 

Why is body voltage important?

When not grounded, you will generally see a high amount of volts being carried by the body and this is often further increased when there is a presence of dirty electricity in the surrounding environment. Body voltage becomes even higher as we move further away from the ground. In fact, for every meter (3.28 feet) you are above the ground, 300 volts of charge will build up in the body. This means if you are in a second story bedroom, your charge would be 1,000 volts, on average. 

When grounded, the body shares the same electrical potential as the Earth and this provides a protective effect against any excess positive charge. 



How to use the Rowland Earthing Sheet?

To Earth your Sheet, attach the cord to the connection point on the sheet and insert the plug into a standard UK plug socket. The socket is only used to ground the sheet and it does not use electricity. The socket can therefore be switched off at all times and this will not affect the function or performance. The sheet simply acts as an extension cord, bringing the Earth's energy inside and allowing you to stay grounded while you sleep.

Does the Earthing sheet use electricity?

No. The Rowland Earthing Sheet does not run on electricity, nor does it even come into contact with electricity. The sheet is only connected to the Earth point of the socket, which is the top hole of a standard UK plug socket. The other two prongs are plastic and are therefore non-conductive. The socket can therefore be switched off at all times and the sheet will perform the same.

Can I fit the Rowland Earthing Sheet underneath my current bed sheet?

Yes, we recommend fitting the Earthing sheet underneath your current bed sheet providing that any covering bed sheet is made from natural materials such as cotton or bamboo.

Some people prefer to fit the Earthing sheet as a top layer for more direct contact and to create a stronger connection. However, our multimeter tests have confirmed that a strong Earth connection is still achieved when the Earthing sheet is fitted underneath a cotton bed sheet, even with an additional layer of clothes/pyjamas before reaching the skin level.

In addition, as you lie on the covering sheet, perspiration and environmental humidity will hydrate your sheet which further strengthens the Earth connection.

You can test this yourself with a simple conductivity test which we are happy to recommend.

Can I use my electric blanket with the Rowland Earthing Sheet?

Yes, an electric blanket works fine with the Rowland Earthing Sheet, just make sure the Earthing sheet goes on top of your electric blanket in order to achieve the full grounding effect.

How can I be sure the Rowland Earthing Sheet is organic?  

We believe we are the only company offering (GOTS) certified Organic Earthing sheets in the UK. Unfortunately, there are a number of newer companies claiming to offer Organic Earthing sheets, which we believe are not genuine. We therefore always recommend contacting the company prior to purchase to verify the validity of their claims. 

What is the thread count of the cotton?

The Rowland Earthing Sheet has a 400 thread count. This is considered high quality for cotton fabrics and is a strong indicator of softness. We have worked hard with our manufacturers to recreate the feel of a traditional cotton bed sheet. With that said, the softness of fabrics is not just determined by the quantity but also the quality of the yarn itself. By using certified organic cotton, we are proud to have created something that provides all the benefits of Earthing without compromising feel.

How do I know if my Earthing sheet is working?

As long as your Earthing sheet is connected to a correctly wired plug socket, your sheet will be grounded and you will be receiving the benefits. You can also check this with a conductivity tester to confirm that your body is Earthed when in contact with the sheet.

Is the Earthing sheet safe to use in high EMF environments?

There is some confusion surrounding the topic of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and Earthing.  Some people are afraid that their Earthing sheet will attract EMF frequencies like an Antenna. However, this would be impossible because in order for an antenna to work, it cannot be grounded. Whenever you are grounded, your skin effectively produces a ‘faraday cage’ effect and will repel electromagnetic fields (EMFs) coming from the external environment. This effect can be demonstrated with a quick multimeter test measuring body voltage before and after touching the Earthed surface.

This is also known as the “umbrella effect”, discovered by Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman. Feynman explains; when the body’s potential is the same as the Earth’s electric potential (and thus grounded), it becomes an extension of the Earth’s gigantic electric system. The Earth’s potential thus becomes the “working agent that cancels, reduces, or pushes away electric fields from the body.”

In addition, it is not possible for EMFs to be ‘pulled’ or ‘attracted’ as EMFs do not have electric charges. They cannot be attracted to anything. They simply radiate outward to infinity from an emitting source, such as electric wires, appliances, and phone masts. For a more detailed explanation, here is a useful resource from the Official Earthing Institute:

Can I use an extension lead?

Yes. As long as the socket and the extension both have an Earth connection (the third hole), then you can Earth the sheet via an extension lead.

Is there a limit to how much I can use the Earthing sheet?

Before modern civilisation and synthetic footwear, we were in almost constant connection with the Earth. This was our natural state!

Unfortunately, modern living has mostly isolated us from our electrical connection with the Earth. Everything from wearing rubber soled shoes to the use of synthetic flooring materials, all block our ability to Earth.

We believe this disconnect is one of the key contributing factors that has led to the increase in chronic diseases we see today.

When we connect to the Earth, the amount of electrons we absorb is driven by the amount needed to balance the electrical charge of the body. It is always the perfect amount.

I have a pacemaker, is it safe for me to use the Rowland Earthing Sheet?