Rowland EarthClock™ 2.0


Start your day feeling more naturally alert and energised by waking to a personalised sunrise experience. Allow your body to tap into the many benefits of waking with light and feel a greater connection with the natural rhythms of the day. Rowland EarthClock™ uses specific wavelengths of light to simulate a sunrise experience in your own bedroom.

We are sorry to announce that the Rowland EarthClock has been discontinued and we are looking for a new solution.

  • Features
  • Specification
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Rowland EarthClock™ is designed to simulate a morning sunrise and sunset to sleep and wake peacefully. 


Sunrise Duration (1-60min)

Customise the length of your sunrise.

Sunset Duration (15-90min)

Customise the length of your sunset.

Bedside Lamp

Adjustable brightness bedside light with low blue spectrum.

Optional Time Display

Display time or switch off for a pitch black sleeping environment.


Optional Wake-up Sounds

Includes 7 soothing wake-up sounds for extra reassurance, including realistic bird sounds.

Optional Sleep Sounds

Fall asleep to a selection of relaxing nature sounds for the sunset duration.


Snooze Function

Tap to snooze for 10 minutes / 2 times.

No WiFi or Wireless EMFs

Designed to help you create an EMF-free sleeping environment.

Sunrise Memory

Save 2 sunrise settings to automate your sunrise simulation.

Backup Memory